Choosing the best liquid storage solution: KlipTank vs. Bladders vs. Ponds

Home / Choosing the best liquid storage solution: KlipTank vs. Bladders vs. Ponds
When deciding how to store liquids – whether that be water, effluent, or some other industrial liquid, it’s essential to consider all the options available.

Each has its unique advantages and challenges, making them suitable for different needs and applications. Let’s dive into a comparison of three common storage solutions to help you make an informed decision.


KLIPTANK: Versatility and Sustainability

A KlipTank offers a robust, sustainable solution designed for a wide range of applications and configurations. They stand out for their versatility, durability and ability to be customised for various liquids, from wastewater to molasses.

Key Benefits:

  • Flat pack design: The KlipTank patented design allows delivery of flat-packed tank components direct to site, making it easy to transport and assemble on different sites, including size-restricted areas and challenging terrains. Additionally, multiple tanks can be loaded into a shipping container and transported overseas, further reducing costs.
  • Quick installation: Can be set up promptly without requiring extensive groundwork.
  • NZ made: Helps support local manufacturing and economy.
  • Sustainability: Almost fully recyclable, reducing environmental impact at the end of their life.
  • Durability: Non-corrosive materials ensure resilience in harsh environments, including coastal regions.
  • Efficient space usage: Vertical sides minimise the footprint, ideal for areas with limited space.
  • High flood tolerance: Suitable for flood-prone areas, provided liquid levels remain above floodwaters.
  • Relocatable: Modular design allows for relocation if needed.

KlipTank’s also excel in handling ground movement, making them suitable for soft or peat soils, and they do not require concrete foundations, helping minimise their carbon footprint.

BLADDERS: Compact and Sealed Solutions

Bladders provide a sealed, compact storage option, often used for effluent or temporary liquid storage. They are cost-effective and easy to install but do come with certain limitations.

Key Benefits:

  • Quick installation: Like KlipTanks, bladders can be set up rapidly.
  • Portable: Can be relocated as needed.
  • Sealed system: Ideal for preventing contamination and managing odours.

However, bladders are not recyclable and may face issues with durability, including vulnerability to punctures. They are also unsuitable for external stirrers.


PONDS: Traditional but Space-Intensive

Ponds are a traditional storage option, especially for effluent, but they require significant preparation and space. Ponds are often the most cost-effective solution upfront but can become expensive if additional engineering, such as bunding or lining, is required.

Key Benefits:

  • Cost-effective: Cheapest option initially, although costs can rise with additional requirements.
  • Flexible depth: Can vary in size and depth based on needs.
  • External stirrers: Compatible with external stirring systems.

However, ponds have significant challenges. They require a large footprint, and unlined ponds must be lined to meet council regulations. Detecting leaks can also be difficult, and ponds are less suitable for high-water-table areas unless raised and bunded.


Regulatory Considerations

Each storage option has different compliance requirements, which can vary between councils. Be sure to check with your local council (and regional council, if necessary) to ensure you meet the regulations. Requirements depend on the type of liquid being stored (e.g., water vs. effluent) and its intended use (e.g., potable water vs. firefighting). Here’s a general guide:


  • On-ground tanks: Consent is typically required if the storage capacity exceeds 35,000 litres.
  • Elevated tanks (e.g., header tanks): The volume limit requiring consent depends on the height—generally, the higher the tank, the lower the allowable volume without consent.


Consent is needed if:

  • The bladder exceeds 2 metres in height.
  • The capacity is greater than 200,000 litres.
  • It is located within 100 metres of a residential building or legal boundary.

Note: Some exemptions apply if the storage is solely for firefighting or irrigation purposes.


  • Consent is required if the pond is more than 4 metres deep or holds over 20 million litres.
  • Some councils specify a 3-metre depth limit instead.
  • Bunded ponds often require engineering sign-off.


Making the Right Choice

Your ideal storage solution depends on factors like budget, space, and regulatory requirements:

  • Opt for KlipTanks if you need durability, sustainability, and flexibility in various environments.
  • Choose bladders for a sealed, portable solution with quick installation.
  • Consider ponds if you prioritise cost and have ample space, but prepare for potential additional expenses.

By evaluating these options based on your specific needs, you can invest in the best storage solution for your situation.

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